B.A. – Fashion Merchandising, Bowling Green State University

Current Position:
Executive Assistant to the Mayor of Highland Heights

Husband, Daniel
Children, Joseph and Michael, Mayfield graduates
Anthony, future Mayfield graduate

Mayfield District Involvement:

MCHI “The Party” Committee
Millridge Winter Workshop Committee
MHS Band Boosters and Academic Boosters
Mayfield Schools Art Docent Program
Mayfield Alumni Association Board
MHS Varsity B Tennis Coach
Highland Heights Parks & Recreation Commission
Citizen of the Year (2018)

My Start with the Foundation:
I was invited in 2018 by the Foundation Board to serve as a Board member.

Favorite Foundation Event/Project:

My favorite event is the Green Tie Gala. I love how the event brings the school district and the community together. I find it very fulfilling to see the collaboration that takes place for the greater good of the Mayfield City Schools allowing them to remain at the forefront of innovation and continuous evolution of the curriculum.